

主演:加布里埃尔·伯恩  霍普·戴维斯  麦克·道尔  格林·特鲁曼  黛安·韦斯特  艾丽森·皮尔  

导演:Paris  Barclay  



扪心问诊第二季 剧照 NO.1扪心问诊第二季 剧照 NO.2扪心问诊第二季 剧照 NO.3扪心问诊第二季 剧照 NO.4扪心问诊第二季 剧照 NO.5扪心问诊第二季 剧照 NO.6扪心问诊第二季 剧照 NO.13扪心问诊第二季 剧照 NO.14扪心问诊第二季 剧照 NO.15扪心问诊第二季 剧照 NO.16扪心问诊第二季 剧照 NO.17扪心问诊第二季 剧照 NO.18扪心问诊第二季 剧照 NO.19扪心问诊第二季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-07-02 04:50




 1 ) notes


You know, it's not dogma. It's a basic tenet of our profession. If you take action in your patients' lives, you cause them to become dependent on you. You cripple them.

You don't just listen. You make observations. You ask questions. You make interpretations. You encourage people to look at the patterns of their behavior.

They want to be loved, even by me. They want a child, or they want to be my child. They want a parent who loves them. They want attention, they want affection. They want hope, they want pills, and they want sex.

But if she were capable of receiving love and support, she wouldn't be coming to you for them. That's her real problem. And until it's treated, she won't be able to take anyone's advice. And that's why she needs therapy.

-You'd always rather yell than think. -What don't I want to think about?

-Then why am I failing them? -It's not about you, Paul. You know, they're human beings. They're struggling with profound problems. If only you could find courage to sit with the fact that what we do is hard and sometimes, it makes you feel like an idiot. It's a humbling profession. And if you lack anything as a therapist, it's humility. Somehow you have to learn to tolerate the fact that we don't save people. We can't.

-I don't want to see my patients. -See your patients, Paul. Act as if you believe you're helping.


You haven't lost your father. He's still in your life, but you did lose the father that you thought you had. He didn't refute your mother's version of events. "Mia, born to a depressed mother, idealizes her father so as not to feel completely alone. And this week, after finally confronting him, she can see her dad for who he really is." It is shattering, but if you can now move beyond that connection to your father it may open the possibility of finding love elsewhere.

I just felt like the bed was safe and the living room was scary.

You want what I can't give you. Blaming me for not giving you what you need when you needed it.

- I felt like I had nothing before. Now I have less than nothing. Thank you. You've helped me to realize that I've made poor choice after poor choice my whole life. - But you also have to realize, Mia, that you're at a critical juncture in you life, that now you do have the self-knowledge to make different, better choices. And sometimes when you're on the verge of real change, that's when you fight the hardest.

-Do you really think that getting married is going to make it all better? Do you have any idea of how many married people, how many parents feel as empty as you do? And what about that made you feel good? Have you ever considered that maybe it's not about a child, Mia, or a husband? Maybe that's just a picture in your head from your family, from your friends, from the culture. Not everyone needs that to live a full and contented life. Maybe what you really want, Mia, is to feel connected, authentically connected to somebody or something else. - And we bothe know that I can't have that. -It's been your way of communicating to both of us what you need. You've also been honest, caring. You've made yourself vulnerable. You've shown me who you really are. And you haven't walked away.


She used to say, "A mother is only as happy as her least happy child."

It's difficult to be the one who survives.

- Did I make it all up? - No. You just got rerouted. Your life's path has changed without your consent. It must be so hard to handle.

But sometimes, we just have to act as if we do.

I mean, you've learned so much about yourself, about trust and acceptance, about not needing to be perfect all the time. I mean, I know it's hard to see that now, but the great thing about self-knowledge is that once you have it... you have it. And you can't help but put it into use. You still have challenges ahead of you, that's why I think you really need to keep talking to somebody.


What he really needs now is a home where he can feel safe. You need to build that for him.

- The truth is, there's a good chance things are gonna get worse for Oliver and for you. For a long time, he is going to be very angry at you. And you're gonna have to keep loving him, no matter what. You're gonna have to let him have his anger. And you're gonna have to take it, just let him be who he is. - So just take it? - And keep showing up.

You know, once when I was about your age, I saw my dad cry. He was having a big fight with my mom. They were yelling at each other. I just wanted them to stop. I guess I wanted them to be... to be just happy. And it made me so pissed when I found out that they weren't. Well, I stayed pissed at them for a long time. And then I realized that even though my mom and dad got upset, and they made big mistakes sometimes, they still loved me.

If you're not getting something that you need, tell them. If you don't understand why something is happening, say 'Can you please explain this to me?' And if things get really upsetting and confusing, call me. That way we can work together to try and solve the problem.


It can be hard to live your life, to be genuinely fulfilled, when a part of your true self is locked away.


- I acted as if I believed I really was help. - And did that help? - To be honest, I was kind of skeptical at first. I felt a bit like a hypocrite, and they'd see that. - Of course you'd feel that way. - But then weirdly enough, something started to happen. I was talking to Oliver's dad about the responsibility of what it means to be a father and keeping in touch with your kid. Really, I was talking for both of us. But I think I reached him. I mean, I was still doubting myself, but I just kept at it, you know? I just couldn't believe that something so simple could actually work. And it kept working, you know? - You're a good therapist. And I'm sure you did a lot of good work this week, despite how uncertain you felt.

They both think that the world is supposed to be on their shoulders, and they're both incapable of receiving support.

- Practicing this way, I may never know whether I help people or not. It's not like I'm trying to get them to pass their driving test or do better on their SATs or something. The only measure I have of whether I'm helping somebody or not is how my patients feel about it and how their lives go on from there. And they won't know that until long after we've stopped therapy. - What are you saying? - I guess what I'm trying to say is that these people come to me, they want me to fix their problems, and the truth is , I think all I can do is just walk with them for a while, keep them company during a rough patch. I don't think anybody's life can be figured out, but it is in our nature to keep trying to make sense of it. And sometimes we can use help. That's when, if we're lucky, there's somebody in the room who can listen. It doesn't have to be somebody perfect, somebody sufficiently screwed up to actually get what we might be going through. - Someone like you. - On occasion. - And not someone like me. - No, Gina. Not for me. Not anymore.

The one thing I have figured out... I just need to be with more people. I don't need a break from being a therapist. I need a break from... just from this. You know? I need to stop analyzing my life. I need to start living it. I need you to let me go.

- What's the book about? - It's about redemption, I suppose.

I never would have survived without you.

 2 ) 11集:面对不断攻击自己的来访者,如何做到不生气?



 3 ) Walter最动人


大公司的CEO Walter晚上失眠,来看心理医生。

谈话中Paul知道Walter的女儿在卢旺达做志愿者,对小女儿的担忧也许是失眠的导火索。担忧一被表达出来,引发了Walter的 Panic attack。

第二次来访,Paul对Panic Attack进行追问,回忆起来上次发生的时候是楼下保安换人的时候,老的门卫去世来了一个新人,Walter在电梯里发作。Walter每天和老门卫说Hi,关系并不亲近。

然后追忆起第一次Panic attack 是六岁时候,躺在哥哥的房间里。哥哥十六岁了,秋天就要去耶鲁上大学,最优秀的学生,跳级。几天前游泳时溺亡。父亲把Walter从邻居家接回,说这是你的房间了。那天晚上是第一次发作。



 4 ) You're an excellent therapist.


每个人都很触动我,而且无论年龄性别职业,人类共通的东西都摆在那里 让你去共情和拥抱。看起来是卷入自己去成全别人的职业,其实也是如同世间一切的职业一样彼此互利共生,或者互爱共生。



 5 ) April这个女孩骗光了我的眼泪







而Paul 是怎么说的,你不用什么都自己扛,觉得全部都是自己的责任,这个世界总是存在其他选择的,你不可能同时照顾好所有人所有事,你不可能完美无缺的。



 6 ) in treatment 2






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比第一季还要精彩,几乎有一半的剧集都会看哭。关于真相与真实,责任与义务。Paul 的精神分析里有太多自我暴露了。有两个地方他处理的很棒:1,Mia 问他列举任何一个我们亲密的时刻,他说:现在。2,和 Oliver 临别时的那通电话。这个爱尔兰男人,这样一双深邃的眼睛,谁不爱呢?

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比起第一季,差了那么点意思。and every teenage girl is a total disaster!

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为therapist平反的系列剧。起初也觉得在短短数十分钟的therapy里,聊的都是毫无建树的内容,病人想要fix problems想要索取爱,therapist却只能固守着boundaries隔岸观火般淡然聆听,所以每个病人都抗拒合作与帮助,therapist劳心劳力却又不讨好。直到最后将病灶心魔一步步抽丝剥茧般摊开,随即而来的是拨云见日般情感内核的冲撞。如果我与GB孤男寡女共处一室,肯定越过boundary先犯罪了再说。

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几乎每集都会看哭怎么破。它改变了我很多。Some people naturally have more heightened emotional responses than others. You've been working hard to change your nature which is probably a futile enterprise. But a continual effort to do that could make you very angry or insecure.

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